Welcome to Premier Diving Services, LLC. We are a full-service commercial diving and marine construction company servicing many clients all over the United States.

A Commercial Diving and Marine Construction Co.
Welcome to Premier Diving Services, LLC. We are a full-service commercial diving and marine construction company servicing many clients all over the United States.
A re-float is when we add floatation to a floating dock system. Sometimes a floating building such as a bait-shop, store, or office will start to sink. This can be due to a loss of flotation from a storm or added weight like refrigerator, ice machines, minnow tanks, and so on. If you have a store or other building, or docks that are sinking or not level, we can re-level them. There are two ways to refloat these areas. One is to use air floats. Air floats are usually used under large areas like a store, bait-shop or office area because there is normally no other way to add flotation except by diver set air floats. Air flotation has the advantage of being easier to install, but the disadvantage of a constant loss of air in the floats due to many reasons. Sometimes the floats leak and loose air, or boat wake causes them to ”wash” out the air from the bottom vent hole. Temperature change is the other major factor. With the cold water comes a significant contraction of the air volume in the float, which of course cause the owner to have to add air to the system regularly to keep the building or area afloat. Even if you completely fill and plug the float, when winter comes and the air contracts, the water pressure around the float causes it to collapse and loose total volume. So, as you can see, even trying to enclose the air in the float causes float failure. The best air flotation system to have is an open bottom float with a manifold system for top-side management of the flotation and level of the building. However, this adds maintenance requirements to the marina manager/owner, often having to add air every 2-4 weeks as long as there are no critters that eat into the manifold hoses! As you can see there are some disadvantages of having an air system to refloat your building. The other option is to add ”foam encapsulated” floats. The problem with adding these floats under a store is having a way that the diver can pull 1000-2000lbs of buoyancy underneath the store! This is why most store refloats are an air system with a manifold. This is where our ballast machine comes in! We have a machine that pulls the floats down to become 10-20lbs over neutral buoyancy. This allows the diver to pull the foam encapsulated floats to strategic locations under the building for leveling and refloating. With the ballast machine, we at Premier Diving Services LLC can refloat a building in most cases that has 8’ or more of water underneath it! See the pics below! In the 1st picture you can see the ballast machine pulling a float down. In the following pictures you can see an example of an air system.
We work with marina managers and owners as well as private owners if the unthinkable happens and your boat or a derelict and abandon boat sinks. We can recover the boat, and as the case may need, dispose of a sunken power boat or sailboat.
Email us at our ”Contact us” page for details and pricing!
(346) 336-8021